Friday, March 28, 2008

Shadow Puppets are fun, especially when evreyone who drives by can see them!

This billboard is using a panel to cast a shadow on the board. It is really cool how they use the billboard to make a point, and they make it attractive so people notice it. I think I would notice it if I drove by in the morning and the level was low, and then I drove by a day later at a different time, and the lever was higher. I think it was very creative, and it fit the idea perfectly. At first it just looks like an animation. The color is not an average color for a billboard. Usually they are bright colors, or obnoxious pictures to catch the passerby’s attention. This billboard is light blue, and it has a simple message in average font, which to me, makes it a little bit more appealing, and trustworthy. I don’t really trust signs that have to se big obnoxious posters to lure you in. this billboard just has its little message, and simple creative way of getting it across, which is very interesting to see.

If Earth's Fate was in my Hands We'd be Doomed

I’ve never really gotten into Halo, but I do know that it is about the human race in 2550, and the earth in under attack by aliens. The whole point of Halo is to save the earth, and I think that point alone is enough for any teenage boy to be drawn in, I mean, who doesn’t want to save the world? I think in this commercial they made good use of the colors. They made the planet look desolate, and helpless. Almost to make it look like the situation is hopeless, and only you playing our game can save the planet. They also used very good animation to make the Halo character come to life, as if he is a living, breathing human, when actually I n the game you are that person. They have this character use a cool weapon, it was a shield, and it showed that this character had game, and skills. It’s not a just a game, but its real. There’s a real war, and you are the real hero who can save the day. I think the commercial was clever. It was action packed for as short as it was, but there was no blood or gore because the hero was the hope, the player is the hope, to save the world.

Do you know about JUNO!

This movie trailer for JUNO gives you jut enough information to get interested, and let you know the theme of the film, but not enough to give away any of the juicy details of the story. I like the way they start it off with her finding out she’s pregnant, and move trough different clips of different scenes, until they reach close to the end. It goes in sequence, like your watching the movie in fast motion, and then they leave you hanging at the end. The trailer is the hook for you to see their movie, which means they try as hard as they can to get you bent on watching this particular movie. They show you all aspects of the movie in this one movie trailer. There is humor, serious moments, and family bonding moments. They show you all aspects of the movie so that you can understand the type of movie it is, to get you hooked. If the drama doesn’t hook you in, maybe the humor will, or maybe this has happened to someone you know, because the plot is very relatable. I think the trailer for this movie is very good at convincing it’s viewer to watch JUNO.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why are puppets so funny!

I have never seen a comedian use puppets until I saw Jeff Dunham. He has a variety of puppets that appeal to all aspects of life. He has a violent one, a hyper one, a grouchy one, and a shy and quiet one. Not only are his skits funny, he is a great ventriloquist. The puppets seem to be real when you’re watching because you can’t even see Dunham’s mouth move. The only thing that is questionable about his humor is that he has his puppets swear, and sometime quite a bit. So, he really doesn’t do it to for younger children. Jeff stereotypes a lot in his skits. He has a suicide bomber, and he uses what usual person would know, or the stereotypes we have, and he makes up his character. It’s the same with Jose the Jalapeno on a stick, because Peanut asks him if he is an illegal immigrant only because he is Mexican. Jeff shares many of his views, which are views of the majority of the US, and he tells jokes, and pokes fun of them. Even though he stereotypes, and plays the race cards in his acts he is never condemned for it because his puppets are the ones saying the jokes, and he(as a person) tells them that it’s not okay. I think his jokes are very hilarious and relatable, and that’s why I like to watch him.

I wish I were the Female Version of Josh Groban!

Josh Groban is a very young music artist to be singing in the genre he does. Many people have heard of him which is funny because his music is not like any contemporary music that is out today. He sings songs that you would sing for a solo and ensemble performance, but he does it with flare. He has sang at many important things for being as young as he is. He sang at the Grammy’s when he was seventeen, and this is what started his career. He has a clear voice, and he puts feeling into his music. He uses his emotion, vibrato, and vocal level to attract the listener to his music. He has sung many duets including one with Celine Dion recently, but I don’t think he has found a person who can match his vocal intensity yet. Josh has such a unique and different sound than what people are used to, that people’s curiosity get them hooked on his music. His music appeals to the old, and the young. Especially the young because they are always looking for the next best thing, and the old, appreciate heartfelt music. Josh Groban is not only and inspiriting singer; he also has his own foundation that once teamed up with Nelson Mandela to help children in Africa. So, if anyone questions the passion in his music, it’s there, and it genuine, which is not common in musicians.

Why is Michael Buble's Music so fun?

Michael Buble has redefine Big Band style music. He adds a contemporary touch to each old fashioned song he sings. He sings many love songs, and most of them are older, he sings them like they were sung in the twenties or thirties, but he adds his own touch to make it a little more exciting and personal. Michael Buble is young, so he appeals mainly to younger women. I think it is interesting to see how he is happy to sing what he enjoys, and he doesn’t conform his music style, or change it to be more appealing to the bigger musical genres. He has no heavy metal electric guitar, or screamo background vocals, it’s just how it used to be. I think he has given the younger generation a taste of how it used to be because his music is very nostalgic. He also adds a little humor to his songs, and music videos which always makes it a little bit more interesting.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Living in Perfect Harmony

March 12, 2008

By Rachel Janssen

Port Edwards

Whenever I wanted to hear new music, I looked to my cousins for the new “thing” of the time. My family only listened to Christian music, so it was hard to find some faster more upbeat music, when all theses hymns, or slow worship songs would be played regularly on the radio. It’s not like that now of course, but back in the 90’s it was what we called the “grandpa station.” Being in a musical family, IT was ingrained in our minds that we are supposed to like bands who have four part harmonies, and rally unique beats, because that where its at!

My older cousins, who were about six years older than me, always brought home new and exciting music, and when I would go over to visit them, they would bring out their latest discovery. The “new thing” happened to be a boy band called Plus One. The band had just come out with their first CD called “the Promise.” They were so cool. I remember listening to them for the first time, and wondering how guys could sing like that because the guys in my elementary choir class sure couldn’t. The music they sang was from the heart, with a pop twist. All of the songs make you feel all warm inside; they always gave me the goosebumps. The harmonies were incredible! They could all sing together, and sound great!

Plus One was one of the Christian versions of N’sync and Backstreet Boys, but they all sang from experiences they’ve had, and they were so honest. Who knew you could get two different albums with the same sound, but two totally different messages. My family finally purchased this amazing CD, and we listened to it until we burnt a hole through it. We never got tired of it. All the songs tell you a different story, and they sing it as if it was theirs, and that is could be yours.

Since they are a Christian band, they make Jesus seem like a nice guy who loves us, rather than a man sitting in the clouds waiting for us to mess up so he can zap us with his lighting rod of fire! When you listen to that CD, it may make you feel sad r happy depending on your mood. I’ve listed to a song once, and cried, and then laughed the second time you never know how it will make you react. If I’ve had a rough day they have a song “Calling Down an Angel” and it tells about how Jesus will send an angel down to comfort us. It sounds like it would be this really annoying slow hymn, but they are upbeat, and encouraging.

When I got older, their music changed. They came out with their second CD: Exodus. As soon as Ii got into my hands I memorized every ooh, and ahh, and every lyric until I could sing the whole CD without it even playing in the background. It was the highlight of my life for about two years. This band was all I listened to. My older sister won a DVD of the making of Exodus, and we watched it so many times that when I listen to the music, I can tell where they are singing in the song compared to the recording they did on the DVD. Then I realized something, I was a Plus One fanatic. I couldn’t get enough. They were like a perfect harmonized singing group, who loved Jesus, and that made you want to love Jesus, too!

I have never listened to their music, and felt worse than I did before I started listening to it. They either take me in a sad or upset mood and change it to a happy or upbeat mood, or they take my upbeat mood to the next level. So, whether I am encouraged, or rocking out, they are the perfect band to listen to.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Very interesting gatorade commercial!

They have it all in black and white, except for the colors on the Gatorade container, and the jerseys. They are pictures of famous athletes, and they have the Gatorade sweat on them. They are in front of many fans, and it’s up to them to make the most important play of the game, and the commercial is saying: they did it with the help of Gatorade. They it’s the final moments of the game, when it really counts, and then they make their play and them all succeeded because they had Gatorade. The y had a wide variety of sports so it will be appealing to basically anyone who plays a sport. They use very dramatic music so that you follow the athlete every move. Are they going to make it? And then they do, only because they were drinking Gatorade. Thanks to Gatorade everyone a hero.

Target advertising

Target uses repetition to sell their products. At first they used the Dog, with the red target eye, and then they used the song hello goodbye. They only used red and white in their commercials, but in recent commercials they have used other colors. They always have their target logo in the background. They make you think of these things. When you see red and white, it reminds you of target. On the commercials with the song, they put in some of their products, so you can see what they have available to you, and they make it look cool. I mean, who doesn’t want a vase that starred on TV? The dog was always on the commercials, and when you saw that dog, it was like a big target advertiser. If anyone in my family saw a dog that looked like that anywhere, even without the target eye, we would immediately say "that looks like the target dog." so they have things in our everyday lives that represent them, so we can never forget.

Above the influence commercial...

They sort of use a literal technique. They have the drug person flat on the couch, and she is so wasted she can’t move, her eyes wander around. Her friend has to speak for her. They have her look like a vegetable in a hospital, and she has a blank stare, and you can hear her subtle breathing. Her friend sounds disappointed in her, and she explained that sitting there is all they do. It shows that her drug use affects more than just her. They make the druggie character look just like a normal girl, deformed, but in regular clothes, and a normal haircut. It shows that it could happen to anyone. I think they got their point across, and did a good job with the issue.

Hardees commercial

Now, I know it’s not on anymore, but it used to be. It shows that you can be a stereotype of a fast food eater, and still be somewhat healthy because he is in track attire. They are promoting their product by showing that it can give you confidence, "do it for the biscuit." they use him falling because they got their point across, but used humor at the end, so that you remember it. They put the words in the bottom of the screen so people can sing to it. They will get it stuck in their heads, and remember that Hardees had roast beef sandwiches. They make their fat food seem healthy because the guy is at a track practice, and he is getting ready to run. This is very persuasive, and sort of unforgettable.

Illegal immigrants billboard...

This billboard uses bright colors that don’t blend into the surroundings. They use a picture of our borders, and specifically the borders where they are coming from. The only picture is the one of the borders, and they have the word invasion coming out of the borders. They use persuasiveness, by making you feel insecure. There is an INVASION people! They make you feel like there is no other way, but to prevent it, "you have to do something to stop it!" so they try to persuade you to take action, they even give you a website to visit if you really want to do something about it.

What is with RLS...its not even real, so why do they advertise like it is??

Consumer reports did an article on restless leg syndrome, and they showed the truth about RLS. Only 3% of Americans actually have it! The "sensation" that people feel before they go to bed could be so subtle they might wonder if they actually have it. I know sometimes when I go to bed my legs are itchy, and I don’t think I need to be medicated for it. They give the title of the syndrome initials so it sounds more official. You can say Restless leg syndrome, or you can say RLS. She mentions in the commercial that her doctor recommended it. Of course a doctor would recommend it for a commercial, especially since it is almost sixty dollars a month to get. But according to the consumer report there are cheaper options to consider, but they don’t tell you that in the commercial. They say that it may have an effect on your driving, but they show a picture of the woman doing a crossword in a chair. They say the side effects with a soothing woman’s voice to make it sound like it okay. The side effects of the drugs are worse than the symptoms: dizziness, tiredness, gambling urges, and vomiting. They leave so many facts out, and glorify Requip, so that people are prone to believe it’s a real thing, and that they need it!