Tuesday, June 24, 2008

somtimes you sit there and wonder...why on earth am i doing this...

i was out gardening today...it sounds normal...but with me, you can always guess that there's more to the story...

i always thought that gardeners were tree hugging freaks who had nothing to do with themselves but plants some green and watch them grow... well tonight i realized something...

i was out there looking at my garden, and i noticed weeds...not just few, not a just a handful...EVERYWHERE!!!...they were on the walkway, by al the plants...it would take at least a good hour or two to de-weed this whole dirt-patch...well, not only was the work seemingly impossible, but the conditions made it even more unbearable...

it was later in the afternoon, and guess who decided to show up at my little gardening charade??...yeah... every mosquito in wood county... i could move my hand in the air, and hit abaout four or five in one quick swoop they were so thick...going up my nose...in my shirt sleeves...i could feel them hitting me, and sucking my blood...i'm surprised i dont have the west nile virus...

so i decided to outsmart them with bug spray...

yeah good idea...

the bug spray smelt like a trashcan full of rotton dirty diapers...and i regret even thinking about using it...

no, bad idea...

i would be able to bear the smell if it actually worked, but the mosquitos were just as bad, so now, i smelt, with a swarm of mosquitos around me, all covered in dirt...picking weeds...

what was i thinking...

i am getting eaten alive, all for some weeds...some WEEDS!!!

then it hit me( not the hungry pack of mosquitos...its a metaphor) the reason i will do this, is to see my plants succeed...i planted them from seeds, and i am here watching them grow, and i am in charge of weather they grow or die...

i give them water, and i pull off the dead parts, and i de-weed their surroundings to make their environment more growable...

if i neglect them, they will die...if i dont weed them, their roots will get root bound b ecuase of all the weed roots, if i don't water them they dry up...their sucess depends on me...

and the hardest thing about that fact is that they can't tell me what they need, it's up to me to decide how much to water them, or how much to fluff their dirt, or weed their areas...

so now when i see people being anal gardeners, i know its just love...

some people have thir cats, or children, or sports cars, or whatever...but me...

i have my garden, my beautiful garden

i will go through any trouble to do what it takes to see all my plants grow into the best they can be, in a way they are like my little children...only they don't sass back...

i can'twait to see the fruits of my hard work(literally)...becuase i know that it will all that hard work will go towards my goal...the jucy fruit, and vegetables...yumm

i will really miss them when the winter comes...they will all be dead, and the harvest of my hard work, eaten

i found this verse...and i thought it quite funny because it is about fruit

Strengthen me with raisins,
refresh me with apples,
for I am faint with love
Song of Solomon 2:5

teehee...faint with love of my garden

this is how i do not want my garden to be(althogh it is somewhat metaphorical)

The vine is dried up
and the fig tree is withered;
the pomegranate, the palm and the apple tree—
all the trees of the field—are dried up.
Surely the joy of mankind
is withered away.
Joel 1:12

well if your ever doing somthing and you just don't know why you torture yourself to get it done, just pause and ask yourself, why , how is this benifittin the poeple around me or myself...is this making me a better person and helping grow and develop my faith, or is it a hiderance to my charachter...

i decided gardening was my little new hobby(well have to lookinto winter gardening)...

What yours?

you should post your little side hobbys...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

i really don't know what to title this one

normally i hate posting without a picture or two...but....
i'll make an acception

i am so excited for today...professor beaker(aka me) is going to be on a float in the parade, and i get to wear w albert einstein-freaky-outy-white-hair wig thingy...and i have what every super scientist should have: safety goggles....its going to be so fun....i cant wait, ill have to post pictures later...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Finally....those garden updates

okay...its mostly picutres

thumbrosia has a new blossom

The first climbing vine on the string beans

There is a tomato blossom

a new pumpkin blossom

The onion bulbs sprouted

the squash plant(once dead) is now flourishing

the marigolds have bloomed

the cilantro is on 'roids

it wont be long until we have some real fruits and vegetables...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the weirdest work experience ever...

If you think fast food is boring.....THINK AGAIN!!!

Work on Saturday:

I got there at six, and we had a new shift leader, so he had no idea what he was doing, he was pretty god though because he was really nice to the costumers...the only thing was is that our manager was out of town, so he was the third in charge under our supervisor, and that day he was the top guy...he had nothing done, nothing cleaned or picked up, and no paperwork done...he never asked us to do any of the cleaning, so porsha and I just did it ourselves...it kind of felt like we were running the show ourselves...

Work on Monday:
I came in at six...and the regular manager was back from her vacation, and she was flustered because the night shift people from the day before didn't have anything done. Nothing was cleaned nothing was stocked, and the floor had a huge coffee spill…it covered HALF OF THE FRONTLINE FLOOR!!!

So we had to clean-up and do closing jobs while taking orders, and then a new girl came in at nine…and I got to train her!!! It was so fun, she was really nice, and I got to train her on the computer, and the lobby jobs, and fun stuff like that, she basically watched me do everything, and I watched her do things too…after she left we had a TWO HOUR RUSH!!! We had a $900 lunch, which means that we were moving fast for two slid hours…it was insanity…I don’t think hardees has ever seen a $900’ lunch in its life…

Work on Tuesday:

I wasn’t supposed to work today, so I was sleeping until Trish (my manager) called at seven, and asked if I could come in at nine…

Here's the best part…I come in, and as soon as I clock in this guy asks me if we can put some more gravy on his biscuits and gravy bowl…I say sure and start taking it to the back so they can put some in it, and my co-worker who is a cantankerous old lady, takes it from me, and tells him we need to charge him fifty cents for some…IT’S A SCOOP OF GRAVY!!!...god forbid we lose a scoop of gravy…so then he argues back, and she says fine well give it to you free, and then she says “next time well have to charge you” I n a “I’m better than you” tone, and then he takes the bowl with the extra gravy, and throws it at us…my Co-worker was a jerk, and then he throws the bowl at me to??? I just got to work, and I already have a bowl of gravy in my face….

But that wasn’t the only good part…also in drive, this lady swore at my manger who is a really nice lady…and she had no reason too, it was because of a bad experience she had had elsewhere…it made no sense

Also in drive this really cranky lady gave me her money…and she threw it at my hand, and it blew in the wind…it blew out in the back of her car…I had to go out between the cars and get it, and then she yelled at me, and I just giggled at her because she was in a really bad mood, her cat must have died or something…

Then after work…@2…I was supposed to get picked up 15 minutes to three…well that comes and goes…and the people who were still working are like” you’re still here!!”…

Then my morning manager gets o ff work, and her husband works in plover, he is coming to pick her up, and she said I better not get picked before you…then her husband comes, and I got picked p at 4:40…and when I left, everybody was like “take a picture…she finally leaving”…it was hilarious…

So when you think jobs can be boring, always look on the bright side of life…

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dont forget about the garden...

Garden updates comeing tomorrow!

Basically...the best night ever...

so here are some pictures of some things we did on wednesday...

Before everyone got there...it was all quiet...


After that...we got a little creative while tooting our horns...
Perhaps this one will be more entertaining...

then we marched around the church like a marching band...

we had a cake...

and sang happy birthday, and blew out the candles on said cake...

there were fun times...

there we even more fun times...

there were pee your pants fun times...

and it all ended with a show...

So here's a sneak preveiw of what we did on wednesday!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My fantastic day!

IT WAS AN ORDINARY DAY JUST LIKE ANY OTHER...BUT THEN SOMTHING HSPPENED...i went to work early today...and worked until 11, then i went home, and cleaned a litte, but mostly relaxed...then...youll never guess...we went to the dollor tree...my new home away from home...i love it ...but not as much as um...wait theres nothing...in my life of loves it goes...

4.dollor tree

...so, well, it was a blast...then i got called into work again, and i went to hellp, and we had a fun time! this guy came in and asked for a cup of water...and then he mumbled somthing and shouted...if you drink it YOULL LIVE FOREVER!!!...it was so hillarious...even more so becuase the guy wasnt joking...then my mom picked me up and the fun was over when i came to my house...bummer...
don't mind the typos becuause i was so excited to type this/ im in a hurry........

live life
don't live life
be happy
be unhappy

your choice...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Check me out on youtube.com

aside from this blog, I also have an account of youtube.com the name is Rizzyraejay, you should check it out, but I just want to let you guys veiw my latest video about courage...

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Garden...planting a seed in a student's life

I have recently picked up gardening because of a botany class i took this year. i used to have a black thumb, but is slowly changing to green...slowly...Taking this class has made me realize, and acknowledge many things about our planet…but first I want to point out that I am not a tree huger…nor do I recycle, and I DO NOT believe in global warming. With that in mind we can continue. Now that school it out I am free to explore the world of plants keeping in mind the things I have learned throughout the year.

This class helped me understand how creative and unimaginably huge and enormous God is. He has a mind that is incomprehensible in size and a love for everything he created that is so strong…even for the smallest mosquito. Have you ever seen a plant database, or a plant book? How big was it? If it was a kindergarten book probably not that big, but most of them are huge from 400 to 40000000 pages!(note: not a true fact, but a sarcastic exaggeration) And let me tell you that we have only written, studied and recorded 1/10 of the worlds plants! There are so many we can’t even find them all, and that’s just the plants!

This realization, at first, made me feel small and insignificant in the eyes of God, but that’s only because I cannot comprehend how massive he is! He can have an intimate relationship with everything in this whole world…at the same time! I am so glad I took this class because it has really brought my relationship with Christ to a deeper level, and it has also inspired me to share this with everyone I know…

Well, I shall see what becomes of my garden…if it lives or not, ill keep you guys updated!

As usual...Rachel