Tuesday, April 27, 2010

i just felt like this day needed to be blogged about...

for the past week i've been working on getting my financial aid done for this smester so i can pay the remainding ammount and get started on my financial aid for the following smemster. monday was the day i had set to turn in all the paperwork. well monday comes, and i head to class. im having a pretty good day, although i was missing a few part of the paperwork. My art project, that had been looming over my head like a raincloud, got finished and i was headed out the door straigt for home ot get that last bit of paperwork.

it was a beautiful day out, super sunny with anice breeze. i left my coat off and hung it on my backpack. there was noone on the sidewalk at all because most classes were still in process, so i had the whole sidewalk to myself. while walking around the scince building i noticed my coat was missing. i had only been walking for two munites, so i figured i would go back and pick it up off the sidewalk. as i turned around and headed back around the corner, my coat was gone! i thought, "oh well, i didnt really like the color of that coat anyways, i hope the person who took it needed it." and then i thougt "uh oh, my car keys were in my coat pocket." and then i thougt "my parents are going to kill me." i stopped in at every building and asked if they had a lost and found, and if they had seen my coat, i walked around for four hours looking for it...no coat, no keys, i'm dead.

i realized that since i was so busy looking for my car keys i had overlooked the fact that i was now unable to turn in my financial aid paperwork. it was useless to even think about having my financial aid done since i was stranded at the school. lucky me, i dont lock my car...ever. i could still access everything in my car...score! sicne it was a monday, I had InterVarsity that evening, and it started at 5, i had invited Theo to come along, and to my luck he was coming. Which meant that not only could we hang out, but i had a ride home:) i was super exhausted from walking all over so i took a small nap in my car, and then it was off to IV with Theo. we got icecream afterwards, and it was a nice break from the crazyness...things seemed to be looking up...

then it was tuesday...the first mistake i made was waking up
finacial aide paperwork was due, and i had no car to get to school.
i needed to call some auto place to make me a new key and apparently it takes a few days to make it, and then they have to go to your car and program it to your car...and then as i understand you pay them an arm and a leg. so a few days without my car...hmmm..who can i use for a taxi?? got it: Kayla...done

so now i need my financial aid paperwork...one needs to be printed out from online and costs $12.00 with a credit card. i dont have a credit card, so i ask my mom to use hers and we begin the process. I print out the form and then i need a secod form that can only be gotten from a lady in nekoosa. so my dad calls her and she send him a pdf file, which i in turn print it out. easy peasy lemon squeezey. so now its time to call that auto palce and get things rolling onthat key buisness. i cleverly wrote down my VIN number so i didnt have to go back up to stevens pioint to get taht information. the guy on the phone asks for my VIN number and title owner, and my lisence plate number...dang. I didnt have my lisence plate number and my car is in stevens point. Now what? i call my dad and we look to see if it is onthe insurance papers or online...nothing, well that will have to wait until later then i suppose. becuase of these minor set backs i miss two of my classes, but i head to school to make it to my last one.

Kayla kindly drove meto school, and we stopped by may car to get the lisence plate number so i could call that guy right away.

FLASHBACK(at home, on the way out the door): i put on a light hoodie, but realized it was super windy out, so i decided to change into my summer coat(not the one i had lost). i had my phone in my pocket and i took it out and set it on my bed and i thought "cant forget my phone, of all the days i need it, today would be the one"...i put on my other coat and im called upstairs...i go upstairs and we leave...the phone was still on my bed....

well, i guess i wont be calling that guy today...which means more wasted time. then i get dropped off at the financial ade department to go get things all settled....i get there and im missing a parents signature. oh, come off it! really? i needed one of my parents to sign a document, and i had no phone to contact them. i use the receptionists phone and i call my moms cell phone...dead...i call the church...no answer..finally i call my dad, and he answers and he doesnt have a fax machine, so he said hell make it into a pdf and send it out. i log into a computer and wait for the paper...mind you if i dont get this financial aid all settled i have to take out a second loan for school...not a good situation...

i am waiting for 20 minutes, and the lady seemed to be getting a little imaptient...i email my mom and she ends up noticing that signatures are missing on another form, so she signed that and got that all squared away...my dad sent the paper signed and said this "You have no idea what it took to get this. The copier on the first floor keeps jamming and is about to break and the second copier on the third floor died so everyone in the entire pulp mill is using the same copier right outside my office door. The thing has not stopped running for almost an hour now."

wow. difficulties! so i hesitantly turn in the paper to the lady, waiting for another snag in the operation...she looks over it and says "thanks, youll get an email when its done being processed"
thank the lord, i was out of that office like a rocket launching into space...so now i sit here at school waiting to got to class, and now i jsut got news that my sister is coming to pick me up, and she has a key(aka an answer to prayer)

life gets complicated...oh well.