so i was at work, like any other work day...
and i started hanging out with one of the newer cooks in the back, her name is Rosie...
we hung out at the pulse center during the beginning of the remodel...
and then my mom worked with Rosie the next night...
and my mom looked at her, and saw my uncles face in hers...and guess what?
ROSIE, my new friend, IS MY COUSIN!!!
we were friends but now family...'
we never knew her because her dad was ajerk, and ran off to florida, and he got a divorcw with his wife...we knew Rosies two older brothers, and i never even knew she existed until her mother just kept her away from our family, and changed their last name back to then when Rosie told me about it on the phone ialmost had a mild heart attack...i litterally almost peed my pants...ho could belive that we got hired at the same place, become friends and then become family...i think the funiest part is that we always joked about hardeess...we'd saw "hardees, bringing family's tpgether"...and now look,. we're there is my story, i hope you enjoyed it...
and there's a zuccinni that we picked, and our garded had a pumpkin that looks like a watermelon...just thought i'd kill two birds whth one stonem and put the garden update in here too...
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